Call Centre Extended Hours To assist our students during this peak admissions and registration period, the CPUT Call Centre will offer extended operating hours from 14 January until 27 February 2025. 7:30am - 7pm from Monday to Thursday.


Beware Fake Mails and Scammers Beware Fake Mails and Scammers. If not sure, please call CPUT Call Centre at 021 959 6767


The HIV Unit offer a wide range of services to our student community across all our campuses. These services include a robust peer education program, HIV testing, screening for sexually transmitted infections and tuberculosis, blood pressure, blood glucose screening services through our testing venues and our Mobile Wellness Services. We have an internship program where students are given workplace experiences to prepare them for the workplace. Other services include mass awareness campaigns, curriculum integration, research and community engagement activities. We work closely with all departments within the institution, with Higher Health (previously known as HEAIDS), Western Cape Department of Health, Department Social Development, Department of Justice and various local Not for Profit organizations such as RapeCrisis Centre, Sonke Gender Justice, TB HIV Care, Partners in Sexual Health and many more to bring the best services to you as a student.

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Aim of the HIV/ AIDS Unit

To prevent, control and manage HIV/AIDS/STIs & TB among the students and staff of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and the community.

Vision of the HIV/ AIDS Unit

To be the epicenter of excellence in HIV/AIDS programs at higher education institutions in Africa.

Mission of the HIV/ AIDS Unit

To mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS/STIs and TB by promoting, advocating, facilitating and implementing innovative interventions among students, staff and the community.

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    e.g. Cape Town
  2. Building(*)
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    e.g. Administration
  3. Floor(*)
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    e.g. Ladies bathrooms