Focus area 6: The Digital Society
The naming of the Research Focus Area took some debate, as it as a globally and nationally topic of reference. The fourth industrial revolution is a term that is nascent, however, its idea and components are being inspected and tackled individually and reviewed for its implementation and productive implementation. The question also wrests with which comes first, society or the economy. The perspective is that the 4th industrial revolution will unleash productivity on the world and indeed the nation. The underlying elements of IoT, massive data, robotics, quantum computing, etc. are interesting and indeed aspects of research. How do we include the enfranchised through lack of means into this digital society? We answer these questions and more. What is the value and context for the world (business and individual) in the context of the digital technologies on business and society?
Research Niche Areas:
- Research Niche Area 1: Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Research Niche Area 2: Sharing Economy
- Research Niche Area 3: Additive Manufacturing
- Research Niche Area 4: Distributed Systems
- Research Niche Area 5: Information, and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D)
Research Focus Area Leader
Prof Izak van Zyl -