Research Entities
Over and above the formal university structures, it has become international best practice to establish other formal academic structures to promote research, technology transfer, non-formal teaching and community service and outreach programmes. These structures form a hub of centres of excellence in research and teaching at universities. In the CPUT context, a major purpose of these structures is to expand and enhance the research, non-formal teaching, community service and outreach opportunities of an engaged university in ways that are not readily possible within faculties.
In addition, CPUT research entities are designed to provide the infrastructure that harnesses some of the unique characteristics of a University of Technology. The entities contribute to the development of collaborative strategies that enable CPUT to carry out its education, research and service missions in a productive and resource-efficient way. The university’s research strategy aligns these research entities to our research focus areas and research chairs. Whilst CPUT research institutes are institutional and cross-faculty in support of the trans-disciplinary approach, research entities are hosted in faculties or academic departments.