The Cape Peninsula University Technology (CPUT) implemented the ISB to identify areas that could benefit from additional resource allocation, to inform the recruitment processes of international students and to highlight best practice.
Fourteen universities, including the (CPUT) founded the ISB in 2005. The ISB aims to ascertain the views of international students about learning, living and support elements of student life at the CPUT, and to improve those elements based on the findings. One of the fundamental questions asked was: “Would students recommend the university to others?”
The first Barometer wave ran in May 2006 to ascertain the opinions of new arrivals and to track the experience of international students. The findings indicated a high level of satisfaction from international students. It found that 85% of international students at the CPUT would recommend the university to others.
The learning experience of international students also achieved a high level of satisfaction ratings, which referred to proficiency of teaching staff, course content and the quality of English spoken by the academic staff.
The findings illustrated that international students perceive the university to be performing well in terms of teaching that will enable students to get jobs after their studies.
“I love to study here, there are lots of facilities that I have seen here that are lacking in my country,” said one of the recipients.
The study has helped the Office of International Affairs and the International Students Society (ISS) to improve the quality of living, learning and support elements for international students offered at the CPUT. The CPUT has awarded Etienne an Apple I Pod valued at R 2000.