How to complete this form :
- All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are compulsory, ie they must be filled in before the form can be submitted.
Please provide some details about the materials you are requesting:
Type of Material
Please select a valid material type
Please enter a valid ISBN number
Please provide the title.
Please provide the name of the author.
Invalid Input
Publication Year
Invalid Input
Please enter a valid Source(Bookshop)
Number of Copies(*)
Please enter a valid amount for the number of copies.
Please select a valid branch
Select select type of request(*)
Invalid Input
Open shelf options(*)
Invalid Input
Short loan options(*)
Invalid Input
Please provide explanation(*)
Invalid Input
2. PERSONAL DETAILSPlease provide us with your contact details
Name and Surname(*)
Please enter a valid name and surname
Staff Number(*)
Must be a valid CPUT staff number
Email Address(This must be a valid CPUT email address)(*)
Must be a valid CPUT email address
Invalid Input
Faculty Librarian for Applied Sciences(*)
Invalid Input
Faculty librarians: Faculty of Business(*)
Invalid Input
Faculty librarians: Faculty of Education(*)
Invalid Input
Faculty librarians: Faculty of Engineering(*)
Invalid Input
Faculty librarians: Faculty of Health and Wellness Sciences(*)
Invalid Input
Faculty librarians: Faculty of Informatics and Design(*)
Invalid Input
Faculty librarians: Non-Faculty(*)
Invalid Input
Please provide the relevant department name.
3. AUTHORIZATION DETAILSPermission needs to be granted by your HOD/Manager for this form to be successfully processed.
Approved By(Name of HOD/Manager/Superviser etc. who will be approving this request)(*)
You must provide the name of the person this request will be sent to for authorization.
Email(This must be a valid CPUT email address)(*)
Must be a valid CPUT address
Contact Number(*)
You must provide a contact number for the person who is authorizing the request.